Friday, April 24, 2020


  • Hey Iowa, What Should I Read?: We've got you! What Should I Read? Programa de Escritura Creativa en español

    La lista de hoy es del Programa de Escritura Creativa en español. Incluye los escritores fantásticos de la revista Iowa Literaria. (Selections from the Spanish Creative Writing MFA journal Iowa Literaria, with comics!)

  • From our Free Online Courses: #Flashwrite Teen Poetry MOOC

    Designed for teen students but open to writers of all ages, this MOOC-Pack offers a study of basic and essential elements of writing poetry!


  • From the Iowa Review: Donald Justice, "On the Day of the Departure by Bus" (1970)

    "And I -- I think that there are moths eating holes in my pockets, / That my place in line is exaporating, / That the moon is not the moon and the bus is not the bus. // What is the word for goodbye?"

  • From the University of Iowa Press: Just Checking in, with author Tom Rastrelli

    University of Iowa Press authors share their quarantine routines, writing tips, book suggestions and playlists this week!


  • From our Eleventh Hour Podcast: Episode #127: Writing the Elegy: Challenges and Approaches

     In this episode, Writing the Elegy: Challenges and Approaches, Susan Aizenberg discusses how to approach the elegy in a complex manner. Often our first challenge is to speak at all, to find language adequate to our grief.




    And that's it!
    We hope you enjoy. And check back each week for a new list!



    Photos by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash, and Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash