Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Iowa Review Web [TIR-W] announced the release of its newest publication, "Instruments and Playable Texts," guest-edited by Stuart Moulthrop.

The issue collects seven projects by six authors, including the distinguished digital writers Judy Malloy and John Cayley, as well as leading younger creators Nick Montfort, Elizabeth Knipe and Shawn Rider. It also includes Moulthrop's game-poem "Under Language," co-winner of the 2007 Ciutat de Vinaròs prize for electronic poetry.

The guest editor notes: "While all imaginative writing makes some approach to PLAY, texts become playable as they join that endeavor Cayley calls 'writing digital media.' We can now do literary work with the same tools and media that support dynamically interactive systems like video games, wikis, and social networks. This extension of literature into what Alan Liu and Katherine Hayles call 'the literary' calls for new ways of thinking, and new structures for invention: instruments both for previously impossible musics, and for seeing and testing emergent phenomena."


'The Iowa Review Web' Releases New Issue: "Instruments and Playable Texts" continued...

The seven pieces in this issue blend science with melody, word with image, logic with allusion, self with community, signifying space and the slipperiness of time. Though only a tiny sample, they implicate a range of creative practice that plays important games and variations within the domain of digital culture.

TIR-W is sponsored by The University of Iowa Graduate College, and is a project of the Virtual Writing University Experimental Wing. Publishing electronic literature since 1999, TIR-W is committed to new writing, encouraging the investigation of text and hypertext in theory and practice at their deepest levels. It is searchable by title, author, and author information.